Dispelling the myth. Suffering is not a necessity at Kambo Tulum



Kambo Tulum’s feminine approach uses gradual layering, allowing the intensity to build rather than hitting all at once. This deliberate pace facilitates a higher absorption of Kambo into the system, maximizing the influx of peptides—the ultimate goal. This also makes for a manageable experience. It’s important to note that not everyone purges; the focus is on getting as many peptides into the system as possible rather than inducing vomiting. As layering of Kambo continues, the intensity builds. The client and facilitator communicate back and forth during this peptide absorption technique. If the sensations are too much, Kambo is removed at the client’s request, and the body will recalibrate almost immediately.


The duration of Kambo intensity only lasts 5-20 minutes, akin to brief flu-like symptoms, and the facilitator only administers as much as the client can handle. Despite temporary discomfort involving sometimes purging, maybe swelling, perhaps sweating, and maybe the occasional bathroom visit, Kambo rejuvenates and enhances energy throughout the body, and most people leave the session feeling good with heightened senses and intuition. Those who experience an emotional release tend to feel tired as the feelings shift, and a small nap afterward is helpful.


Kambo is best administered by a qualified practitioner under supervision. When done properly, despite its potential intense physical reaction, Kambo is a safe procedure. However, it may not be suitable for individuals with certain heart conditions or severe psychiatric conditions. To tailer our approach to your specific needs, kindly  fill out the form. Please be weary of practitioners who encourage copious amounts of water intake. Too much water can lead to water toxicity and is dangerous. Kambo Tulum ensures your safety by monitoring how much you drink.

Originating in Brazil and Peru, this purgative medicine is known as the Natural Vaccine of the Amazon, derived from the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog. Traditionally, indigenous communities utilized Kambo for increased stamina, endurance, heightened acuity, and resistance against infections like dengue. Widely regarded for its intelligence, there is a Kambo Hospital in Brazil led by Clara, one of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.