Seven Days Before Kambo Session
- Avoid Iboga or Ibogaine. Allow a 7-day waiting period afterward.
Three Days Before Kambo Session
- Abstain from recreational drugs and alcohol 48 to 72 hours before Kambo
- Discourage the use of enemas and colonics 3 days before and after the Kambo session.
Day One of Kambo Session
- Fast for a minimum of 6 hours before the ceremony. If the session is in the afternoon or evening, consume only a light morning meal.
- Drink pre-Kambo water at the time of treatment. Refrain from excessive water intake beforehand.
- Avoid citrus drinks and caffeinated beverages. Non-caffeinated tea with honey is acceptable.
- Opt for water or coconut water.
- Best to only drink water or coconut water
- It is best not to take medications or herbal supplements until the evening after Kambo
- Refrain from participating in Temezcal the day before and on the day of the ceremony unless adequately prepared with extra electrolytes.
We cannot administer Kambo safely if you have any of the following
- Heart condition
- History of stroke
- Medication for low blood pressure
- History of brain hemorrhage or aneurism
- History of blood clots
- Serious mental health problems
- Undergoing chemotherapy or immune-suppressant medication
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding a child under 6 months
- Fasting for 7 days prior to Kambo treatment
- Water-based detox within 3 days before Kambo treatment (e.g., colonics, enemas)
- Taking immune therapy drugs
- Recent stem cell therapy
- Currently undergoing chemotherapy
- Addison’s disease
- Taking Benzodiazepines
- 3rd or 4th stage of alcoholism
- Esophagus ruptures
- Ulcers in the stomach
- Lyme disease flare-up
Three Days Before Bufo Ceremony
- No drugs or alcohol
- Nobody with drug or alcohol addictions
- Self- reflection
- Mindful practices such as meditation
- Center your energy
- Intentional groundwork such as a deep and meaningful intention
Bufo cannot be administered under the following conditions
- SSRI’s
- Opioids
- Heart Murmur
- History of stroke
- Pre-existing cardio-vascular disease
- History of blood clots
- Psychological conditions
- Schizophrenia
- Psychosis
- Manic-depression
- Bi-polar disorder
- Serious Asthma
- Respiratory disorders
- OCD…etc
Although some conditions such as PTSD and depression may be benefited by participation, these considerations must be made very carefully and on a case-by-case basis.
All information provided is confidential